Can we apply for a capital grant or core costs?
Yes, you can apply for either – or for other, project-related, funding. But do remember that the more clearly a grant is earmarked for work in the Merseyside area, the more likely it is to be awarded.
Can we apply for a two or three year grant?
In exceptional circumstances and where a project requires longer-term funding, we will consider a two or three year commitment.
Can we email questions before submitting our application?
Yes - but please bear in mind that it may take up to ten working days to respond to your query. Please note that any emails asking questions that are clearly answered on the website will not receive a reply.
Can we speak to someone about our grant application?
Unfortunately not. We only employ a part-time administrator and all her time is taken up managing applications.
Do you have an application form?
No, we do not have a standard application form and, instead, prefer you to explain the reasons for your request and the expected outcomes. For national charities, care should be taken to explain, wherever possible, how the grant would benefit the people of Merseyside and surrounding area.
How can we apply for a grant?
Applications can be made by email or by post.
How much can we apply for?
We like to think that the grants we award reflect our own priorities and the level of need. The minimum grant is £1,000 and most grants awarded are between £1,000 and £10,000, with occasional larger sums being awarded. In 2021, we gave more than £350,000, to 54 different charities, although these figures are skewed somewhat by the special circumstances of covid.
What exactly do you make grants for?
We only award grants to charities working to help people affected by poverty, old age or ill health. We particularly welcome applications from organisations based in, or working specifically in, Merseyside.
What other documents do you require?
Please only send documents that relate to, or support, your application. This might include: relevant budget or cost details; annual report and accounts; case studies; details of funding received from other organisations.
When are grants made?
The Trustees meet twice a year, to award grants. We accept applications for these meetings at any time, with deadlines on 1st May and 1st October. Urgent applications may be considered separately: please highlight and explain the need for urgency in your covering letter.
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Do we need to be a registered charity?
Yes, your charity needs to be registered with one of the national regulatory bodies within the UK. We are unable to support non-profits, social enterprises or community investment companies (CICs) that are not registered charities.
Do you award grants to charities working overseas?
Only in exceptional circumstances will applications for work outside the UK be considered.
Do you award grants to local charities?
Yes, we give a high priority to local charities based in Merseyside working to help people affected by poverty, old age or ill health. Please note, however, that we are unable to consider applications from local charities that do not cover Merseyside and the surrounding region.
Do you make grants to individuals?
No, under no circumstances do we make grants to individuals.
We have been unsuccessful with a previous application. Can we apply again?
Yes, you can certainly apply again. But please bear in mind the need for applications to meet our criteria.
We have received a grant from you before. Can we apply again?
Yes, you may apply as often as you like. However, it is highly unusual for us to make more than one grant to the same charity within any twelve month period.
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Would you like to be sent any future newsletters and annual reports?
No thank you. We need to focus our time and resources on the applications we receive.
Would you like to visit our charity or project?
We are always happy to receive an invitation. However, please bear in mind that we only have limited time and resources, so it is rare that we are able to accept.
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